Writing ‘About Me’ pages can be intimidating and we totally get it. People often don’t like talking about themselves too much and understandably so. However, when you are creating an online website, writing a well written ‘About’ page is essential to your marketing strategy. In fact, your ‘About Us’ or ‘About Me' page is arguably the most important page of your entire website. It gives personality to your website and makes it come alive. This is especially important when you have a business website or a resume website. If you are looking to design a new website but aren't sure of where to start, do read our step by step guide on how to design a website. It is very easy to get lost trying to appear professional and end up with a website that feels stiff, disconnected and cold.
So, how do you write friendly and creative ‘About Me’ pages that can be the perfect centre point for your marketing and branding strategy? Well, lucky for you, we’re here to help you out!
In this blog post, we talk about how to write an ‘About Me’ page or an ‘About Us’ page, what you should include in your website’s about page and more. We will also give you some tips and tricks and point out some common mistakes to avoid. Finally, we show you some stellar ‘About Us’ and ‘About Me’ page examples for your inspiration!
So let’s get started, shall we?

What is a perfect ‘About Me’ page?
An ‘About Me’ page is supposed to introduce you, the owner of the website or the face behind the website. This means that the perfect about page will be one that can properly capture you and your personality. You can take this opportunity to have some fun and be creative with the content. Here are a few great tips on how to write awesome website content. So, try to write your bio in a way that is relatable, lively and fun. At the same time, always remember that when it comes to a professional website, it is still important to be careful about only putting your best foot forward.
Your ‘About Me’ page can also be a space for you to build and promote your personal brand. This means that everything you put here needs to contribute to your brand in a valuable way.
Building your personal brand is important for any professional or business owner. Your brand is what sets you apart from the crowd and creates a distinct professional identity for you and you want this to reflect in your about page.
For example, if you are an interior designer, you want your ‘About Me’ page to reflect your sense and style of design and aesthetic. It should also underscore your professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction. This enables you to build your brand and convey to your clients what they can expect from you as an interior designer and why they should hire you for their interior design needs and no one else.
A well written ‘About Me’ page will inject your website with a sense of personality and humanness. At the same time it will present a sophisticated, professional image that can fall in line with your brand identity. You want to come across as humble, lively and approachable while at the same time exuding a sense of professionalism, responsibility and reliability. Here are 10 top tips to help you make your website stand out!
If you are writing content for an ‘About Us’ page for a business website or a company website, then you will have to remember to embody the brand identity and business values of the company you are writing for. Corporations can often struggle with forming human connections. This is because people often find it difficult to connect on a human level with faceless corporations and abstract entities. The best about pages are those that can bridge this gap by giving your business a story. Revealing the human beings and individuals behind the brand and behind the company and gives your clients and customers someone to connect to and form a relationship with.
Looking for inspiration for your contact us pages, see these top contact page examples and choose which fits best for you
Remember that creating good ‘About Us’ content can pave the way for better customer retention and relationships. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating the perfect business website.
What to include in an ‘About Me’ page?
Let us now talk about what your about page should include. Since this is the most personal page of your website, there is a lot of scope for getting innovative and writing a creative ‘About Me’ page. However, there are some essential elements for about pages that you should not miss. Let’s take a look at some of these elements.
A professional portrait photograph
All ‘About Me’ pages need a professional portrait to accompany them. After all, how are you going to introduce yourself to people without even showing them your face? A good quality headshot is a necessary addition to your ‘About Me’ page. The photograph should be in front of a neutral background and focus on your face. It is important to hire a good photographer to shoot your portrait. An experienced portrait photographer knows how to convey a person’s personality and vibe through a still photograph. You want a photograph that is professional but fun, approachable and lively. A stiff, uncomfortable, unsmiling photograph can be detrimental to the overall energy and vibe of your page. Here is a guide to taking the perfect portrait shots!

For an ‘About Us’ page for a company, it is still a good idea to have a photograph, either of the business owner or of the whole team. This way you can show that your company is not a faceless entity but rather run by a team of spirited, enthusiastic and reliable people.
A biography
The biography is going to be your main about page content. This is a section that you need to take some care while writing. You need to be able to tell your story, your rationale and your motivations behind your business projects or professional ventures.
For a personal website, portfolio or resume, start by introducing yourself, your name and what you do. Then you can get a bit into your background, including a bit of your personal history, educational and professional background. Talk about your work, the values, themes and ideas behind your work and process, what your specific expertise is and what you bring to the table. Remember that you are not just talking about yourself, you are marketing yourself. You need to be able to tell the reader exactly how you can add value to their life and why they should hire you or use your products and services.
For a company or business website, your biography should consist of your company’s history including it’s beginnings, early work, business philosophy etc. When thinking about how to write ‘About Us’ for websites, remember that your biography should succinctly and comprehensively describe what your company does, where it started and why a potential client or customer should trust you and your products or services.
Resume / CV
If you are creating a professional website or a resume website, then adding a resume or CV to your ‘About Me’ page is essential. You can upload a downloadable pdf of your actual resume or CV but another option is to simply integrate your resume into the ‘About Me’ page itself or create a separate subsection for it. Keep this section short and to the point. You don’t need to include every single detail but include a list of salient points and highlights including your professional qualifications, awards and honors, major experiences etc. Do read our article for more information on creating the perfect resume website.
For business websites, you can alternatively include a list of your clients or other companies that you work with. Having well known clients in your portfolio can be a wonderful way of boosting your credibility and marketing yourself. You can also link or quote product or service reviews from your clients and customers to showcase your reliability and work ethic.
Contact information
Include some form of contact information, like email or a phone number. Your website is all about making you more accessible to potential clients or customers and promoting outreach. For this to happen, you need to highlight a method through which you can be contacted. Emails are an excellent option but you can also include an internal link to the contact page on your website. Contact pages are very convenient because they enable people to contact you without you having to part with sensitive information.
Try customizing your contact pages to identify warm leads and follow up with interested clients. You can start with a “Get in Touch” form where website visitors can add their contact information and inform you about their intention.
However, including a work email address is still a good idea because it feels more direct and encourages people to contact you for more serious queries.
Here are 6 top tips on how to write an ‘About Me’ page
- Keep it short and crisp
- Write in first person
- Focus on the target audience
- Tell a story
- Create a brand identity
- Try to create a rapport
Keep it short and crisp
Remember that no one wants to read an actual autobiography when it comes to an ‘About Me’ or ‘About Us’ page. What they want is a short summary. People like to quickly skim web pages and gather all the information they need as soon as possible. This is not possible when you have a long-winded or endlessly meandering ‘About Me’ page. It is, therefore, important to keep this page short, crisp and to the point.
You don’t need to mention every single detail of your childhood or trace exactly how your company was founded. Stick to the broad strokes. Talk about how long you have been working and how experienced you are. You should also mention specific achievements and accomplishments that can add more credibility to your work and expertise. It is also a good idea to highlight your professional values and work ethic as it relates to your professional reputation.
Write in first-person
It is always better to write your ‘About’ page in the first person. This is because a first person point of view feels more personal and direct as compared to a third person point of view. When you say ‘I’ or ‘we’ you instantly make the content of your about page more personal, intimate and direct. This helps in avoiding the sense of disconnectedness that professional websites and business websites often have to grapple with.
This is also true of business websites and brand websites. As we mentioned earlier, the feeling of disconnectedness and abstractness is always a problem for corporations and businesses. Writing an ‘About Us’ page for your website in the third person can further exacerbate the issue. Using a first person perspective and pronouns like ‘we’ and ‘us’ is much more effective.
You want the readers to feel like they are talking to you directly or at least are being addressed by you directly. So, even if you outsource the writing of your ‘About Me’ or ‘About Us’ page to a third party or a professional, it is better to make sure that the biography is written in first person.
Focus on the target audience
While it is true that you are writing an ‘About Me’ page, you still need to focus on your target audience. Visitors to your site want to know about you but more than that they want to know what you can offer them. This is why you need to focus on your target audience and write a biography that they will like. Building a website is first and foremost about marketing and marketing always focuses on the customer.
A creative ‘About Us’ page for a business website should target your client or customer base and properly communicate the values behind your business. Tell your customers how you can offer them something unique and beneficial.
For a professional resume website or portfolio, you should talk about your specific expertise and skill set and how you can provide value to the business or individual who hires you. For example, say you are a photographer. Anyone who visits your website knows you are a photographer so it doesn’t do much to simply talk about yourself as a photographer. You also need to market yourself as a photography service provider. Emphasize how you can service and benefit your clients through your ‘About Me’ page
Tell a story
Storytelling is another way of writing creative ‘About us’ content for websites. Every person and every business has a story of how they started out and how they reached where they are today. Stories like these are an excellent way of showcasing your journey while highlighting your resilience, innovativeness and problem-solving skills.
For a personal resume or portfolio website, your story can help you in connecting your work to your personal life history and connect the motivations, ideas and themes behind your work to actual experiences and life lessons you have had. This makes your ‘About Me’ page feel more lively and cohesive. People want to know you not just as a professional but also as a human. So feel free to talk about the ways in which your life and experiences have shaped you as a professional.
If you are a business, then you can share the story of how your business started and how you got where you are today. You can talk about important milestones or events that helped shape your current business and practices. Most importantly, connect your story to your business values. Storytelling can be used in ‘About Us’ content to reiterate and reinforce your commitment to ethical business practices and customer support which are important for any credible business.
Create a brand identity
If you are a business owner then you must have learnt the importance of brand identity and brand building early on. Having your own website is always a positive step towards building your brand identity and creating a center point for your branding strategies. But your ‘About Us’ page is also a crucial part of your branding process. Your about page is all about your story and creating the narrative behind your brand which will underpin your business values, practices and more. It is important for you to write your ‘About Us’ page in a way that underscores your brand. For example, if you are an organic food manufacturer, your about page should highlight your commitment to freshness, nutrition and sustainability as part of your brand identity.
But brand building is not limited to businesses and corporations alone. Even if you are an individual professional, it is important for you to create and highlight your personal brand through your ‘About Me’ page. Your about page is the perfect opportunity for creating a distinct brand identity to distinguish yourself from other individuals in your field. Personal branding is the key to success in the modern-day job market.
Try to create a rapport
Professional websites are the best platform for digital marketing. Always try to make a connection with your readers through your ‘About Me’ page as this makes them more receptive to actually listening to you and hiring you based on your work.
This is what you are ultimately trying to do with all the other tips that we have given you in this list. Keeping it short and crisp keeps your audience’s attention with you. Writing in first-person makes sure that they feel like they are talking directly to you. Focusing on the target audience helps you in making your site visitors feel heard and catered to. After that, you can start telling your story to further humanize yourself and give context to your work and business. And finally, you create a brand identity that can stay with your audience and make you memorable so that you can stand out from the crowd.
Marketing yourself is all about building relationships and this relationship building starts with your about page. Do read this article for tips about marketing and customer retention in the creative industry.
Here are the 4 most common mistakes to avoid while creating your About Page
Not having an ‘About’ page
It is true that writing about yourself can be an intimidating or difficult venture. However, that is no excuse for not having an ‘About Me’ page altogether. A lot of times people just go with the idea that your work will speak for itself. While this may be the case sometimes, in the vast majority of cases, this is simply not true. People want to see the person behind the work as well. By revealing and introducing yourself, you humanize your work and ground it in reality.
Even more importantly, you need to take credit for your work! Remember that your work does not exist in and of itself, it was created by you. Through your ‘About Me’ page, you can showcase some of the creative process or idea behind your work and show people exactly how it came to be.
‘About Me’ and ‘About Us’ pages can be amazing marketing devices and neglecting them can be a detriment to your marketing strategy.
Skipping the photo
Don’t skip the photo! When it comes to the content for your ‘About Me’ or ‘About Us’ page, a photo can speak louder than words. Like we said earlier, people want to see the person behind the work. Having a face that they can attach to the work or the website that they are seeing makes it easier for them to form a human connection with you. This in turn makes them more receptive to hiring you or buying for you.
For a business website ‘About Us’ page, you can include pictures of the business owner or CEO and other major executives. If you are a small business, it is a great idea to take a group photo of your entire team to place on your ‘About Us’ page. This showcases the human faces behind your business and makes your website feel less ‘corporate’ and more human.
Only talking about yourself
It is true that you are writing an ‘About Me’ page but it is also true that the people who are reading your ‘About Me’ page are not as interested in you as they are interested in what you can do for them. If you are only talking about yourself and your childhood and your hopes and dreams, you leave yourself no space to talk about your skills, experience and what you can offer to your potential clients and employers.
Write your ‘About Me’ or ‘About Us’ page with your audience in mind. Don’t make it an autobiography. Think about it as a marketing pitch describing to your readers how you can help them. The best ‘About Me’ page examples are those that fully grasp the marketing and branding aspect of about pages.
Rambling is the biggest mistake you can make while writing your about page. People have a finite amount of time on their hands and an even more finite amount of patience. They want to get straight to the point. So, don’t waste your time writing a long ‘About Me’ page that goes nowhere. Keep it crisp and precise to ensure that you retain the reader’s attention. Split your content into organized paragraphs and highlight the parts that you want to draw the reader’s attention to by using subheadings or lists. Organizing your content is very important because it ensures readability and coherence while also maintaining brevity. Here are 12 tips to write awesome website content.
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Here are 20+ stunning examples of About Me pages built on Pixpa websites
We have talked about how to write a stellar ‘About Me’ page but showing is always better than telling. So, in this next section, let us look through some stunning ‘About Me’ example pages for your inspiration!
Little Peking

The Little Peking website ‘About Us’ page is an excellent example of how small businesses can use storytelling for branding. The story of two Chinese immigrants and their American Dream helps in bringing a human touch to the about page and gives the business a sense of personality and history.

Poketto’s ‘About Us’ page focuses on imagery and branding. The idea of a pocket placed right over the heart gives the brand a trademark image that makes it memorable. This ‘About Us’ page example also focuses on the brand’s commitment to comfort and quality and tells customers about how Poketto can cater to their needs.
Evan Tetrault

Evan Tetrault’s ‘About Me’ page example is a wonderful example of an about page written for both a personal website and a professional website. Evan talks about himself as a veteran and an outdoorsman. He also references his professional photography work. This is a creative example of an about page written for a photography portfolio.

Hedonova is an investment fund and they have taken a creative approach to the ‘About Us’ page for their business website. They start strong and list the 6 most important highlights about their business including what they do, where they are located, who their client base is and more. Further down they talk about key people working with them and some of their projects.
Laura Ashley Music

Laura Ashley is a singer and songwriter from Nashville. Her ‘About Me’ page is a classic example of an about page for a creative professional. She highlights her personal and musical background, talks about her work and then further down lists some of her media features.
Paul Karukappillil

Paul Karukappillil is a civic activist, philanthropist and community leader based in New York. His website’s ‘About Me’ page is well structured and lists his accomplishments, honors as well as the work he has done for the community. It is a good example of an ‘About Me’ page for a personal website.
Daniel Pullen

Daniel Pullen is a photographer and his about page is a wonderful addition to his photography portfolio. Daniel’s about page is not just about him but also included biographies from his wife and business partner as well as the rest of his team. It describes his work, achievements and recognitions. It has a wonderfully professional yet casual vibe which works well for a photography portfolio.

Wilma is a branding and marketing specialist. Her ‘About Me’ page works very well for a professional business website. She highlights her work and expertise as well as her 40 years of experience. Her professional portrait also evokes a sense of reliability. All of this goes on to create a solid ‘About Me’ page for her professional website.
KosoWhat Productions

Mike Kosowan is a Canadian actor, performer and entertainer. His ‘About Me’ page introduces him and his work and highlights his varied interests. The ‘About’ page includes a list of his clients towards the bottom which adds further credibility to his professional website.
Junpei Tanaka

Junpei Tanaka is a Japanese photographer based in Tokyo, Japan. Junpei’s ‘About Me’ page gives us a close look at his background and his journey. The page is bilingual, which is practical given that he works in both Japan and Europe. Overall, it is a clean, modern-looking and functional ‘About Me’ page.
Maja Lewicz

Maja Lewicz is a Polish food photographer based in the Netherlands. Maja’s ‘About Me’ page works very well for her professional photography website. The professional portrait does a very good job of showcasing her passion for food photography and styling. Additionally her biography also highlights her work experience, her background and the themes and ideas behind her work.

Alana Dickens’s bright purple website and ‘About Me’ page perfectly captures her spirit as an illustrator. The use of bright colours and bold font is perfect for her and brings in a lot of personality to her website. Her professional photograph is also bright, casual and smiling which makes for her unique and creative ‘About Me’ page.
Natasha Pantelides

Natasha Pantalides is an interior designer based in Atlanta, Georgia. Her ‘About Me’ page is subtle and simple but very practical and functional. Her ‘About Me’ page highlights her main skills and talents as an interior designer. This ‘About Me’ page is a great example of how you can turn your about page into the perfect self-marketing opportunity.
Tracy Allen Rhoades

Tracy Allen Rhoade’s personal website is a little different in that it is not meant to market or promote Tracy but to pay tribute to him. Tracy passed away in 1993 due to AIDS and his website is a memorial created by his friends and family. His ‘About’ page is a touching tribute to his life and work.
Anastasia Scherbina

Anastasia Scherbina is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer. Her ‘About Me’ page has a lot of life and personality thanks to the colour palette and her choice of photographs. This about page beautifully straddles the line between being professional and approachable.
Veronika Stretska

Veronika Stretska’s ‘About Me’ page is clean, minimalist and sophisticated. Her professional photo and bio perfectly capture her and her personality. This ‘About Me’ page example is a wonderful illustration of how you can use your professional website to market yourself while maintaining a unique identity and brand.
Robinson Family

The Robinson Family’s website is a unique one. The family members are all descendants of Doc and Sophie Robinson and strive to keep their family’s roots strong and support each other through multiple generations. Their family website’s ‘About Us’ page is a tribute to their love and care for each other and their commitment to keeping their family together through the generations.
Alba Massaiu

Alba Massaiu is an Italian graphic designer. Her ‘About Me’ page on her portfolio website does a beautiful job of not just introducing her but also showcasing her graphic design skills. Alba’s creative ‘About Me’ page makes the use of graphic design and illustration to share her background, her qualifications and skills.
Do check out these articles
Writing ‘About Me’ pages can be intimidating but we hope our guide simplified the process for you somewhat. The main thing to remember is that ‘About’ pages are essentially about marketing and branding. Introduce yourself as a doer and provide specific solutions to the needs and requirements of your target audience.
If you are feeling inspired by these ‘About Me’ page examples, then it's time to start working on your own! Create your very own website with Pixpa’s easy-to-use, DIY website builder and make your mark today!
Frequently Asked Questions
- What should be on an about us page?
Your about us page should be crisp, brief and informational. It is also a good idea to aim for a direct and warm tone. A short bio about your or your organization, a good headshot or a photo of the team and contact information are must have additions to any good about us page.
- How do I write an about page?
It is always a good idea to write your about page in first person because it feels more personal and direct. Communication is an important aspect of any website and your about page is an excellent opportunity to start a conversation with those who visit your site by introducing yourself and your organization.